Category Archives: Uncategorized

S. 5 Ep. 6 — “Manuscripts Don’t Burn”

In this episode, we talked to Barbra about her life of reading, from her earliest days, to reading in the midst of our current pandemic and racial reckoning. She shared about a few of her favorite books, and taught us how to answer the age-old question, “what should I read next?”. Barbra’s solution? Networking. 

Barbra focused on two main books: Hell of a Book by Jason Mott and The Master and Margarita by Mikhail Bulgakov. She also mentioned Mott’s book The Returned, which has been adapted into the TV series “Resurrection.” For Barbra’s complete list of pandemic reading on the Civil War, Reconstruction, and black history, visit this list

Catherine and Abby also talked about reading:

Abby read Sisters of the Neversea by Cynthia Smith 

Catherine read The Art of Gathering by Priya Parker and The Art of Community by Charles Vogl 

Tune in next time to hear an interview with Traci Chee, author of JMRL Same Page title, We Are Not Free

 As always, please email with comments, suggestions, ideas, or anything else. We’d love to hear from you. 

This podcast is made possible through generous support from the Friends of the Library. If you’d like to learn more or join the friends please head to their website

S.5 E. 5 — Literary Love Trivia Night

In this episode, I talked to Proal, president of the JMRL Friends, about reading, writing, learning, and living – at the Village School, as a member of the JMRL Friends, and as a citizen of this vibrant community we call home.

We hope you’ll join us for the Friends’ very special trivia night. Prizes are up for grabs, and the cost to participate is just $15. Money raised will support library resources, services, collections, and programming. We love our Friends group! 


We also talked about reading:

Abby read The Sound of a Wild Snail Eating by Elisabeth Bailey 

Catherine read Untamed by Glennon Doyle 

Tune in next time to hear a library lover, just like you, talk about why books and reading are so important to her. She’ll also be sharing some of her favorite books. 

 As always, please email with comments, suggestions, ideas, or anything else. We’d love to hear from you. 

This podcast is made possible through generous support from the Friends of the Library. If you’d like to learn more or join the friends please head to their website

S.5 Ep. 4 — Reading Resolutions

Thank you to JMRL staff members who agreed to be guest stars on today’s podcast!

In order of appearance, they are: 

David Plunkett

Jess Moore

Andrew Grimm

Kayla Payne

Heather Pehnec 

Tish Colvin

Jennifer MacAdam-Miller


We talked about the following titles: 

Wayfarers Series by Becky Chambers

The Dire Days of Willowweep Manor by Shaenon Garrity 

A Short History of Nearly Everything by Bill Bryson

Firekeeper’s Daughter by Angeline Boulley 

My Monticello by Jocelyn Johnson 

Klara and the Sun by Kazuo Ishiguro 

The Vanishing Half by Brit Bennett 

Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine by Gail Honeyman

Milkman by Anna Burns

For Every One by Jason Reynolds

March by John Lewis (graphic memoir)

A Tree Grows in Brooklyn by Betty Smith

Across the Airless Wilds by Earl Swift


Consider these tips, discussed in today’s episode,  to read more in 2022! 

Visit the JMRL new books list for what’s new

Read along with the Virginia Festival of the Book

Challenge yourself to the Book Riot Read Harder Challenge

Make a conscious effort to read a genre you don’t normally read

It’s not free like your local library, but you might try the YA owl crate subscription service

Go down author rabbit holes….visit your favorite author’s website, blog, or Goodreads page. What are THEY reading? Try reading what they’re reading, or read a biography ABOUT them. 

And of course, do you use Goodreads? If not, maybe you should! 


Tune in next time for more support and encouragement for your reading journey! 


Follow JMRL’s progress through the tiers of the JMRL COVID-19 Response Plan

For branch details:



Gordon Avenue

Greene County

Louisa County

Nelson Memorial




If you have books you’d like to recommend we read and discuss please email us at


This podcast is made possible through generous support from the Friends of the Library. If you’d like to learn more or join the friends please head to their website


S.5 Ep.3 – Running the Crozet Branch

In this episode, we talked to Hayley about what it’s like to be in charge of an entire library location (spoiler alert: it sounds awesome). We also talked about what we’ve been reading.

In this episode, Abby and Catherine talked about reading:

The Listening Path by Julia Cameron 

My Accidental Jihad by Krista Bremer 

Hayley also talked about what she’s been reading:  

Red, White & Royal Blue by Casey McQuiston

The Book of Delights by Ross Gay 

There’s no Such Thing as Bad Weather by Linda McGurk 

What Great Parents Do by Erica Reischer 

Tune in next time to hear a roundup of JMRL staff reading resolutions for 2022! 

Follow JMRL’s progress through the tiers of the JMRL COVID-19 Response Plan

For branch details:



Gordon Avenue

Greene County

Louisa County

Nelson Memorial



If you have books you’d like to recommend we read and discuss please email us at

This podcast is made possible through generous support from the Friends of the Library. If you’d like to learn more or join the friends please head to their website

S.5 Ep.2 – Tasha Talks Dinovember (and more)

In this episode, we talked to Tasha about life as a children’s librarian at the Central Library.

Abby and Abby also talked about reading:

Tasha also shared what she’s been reading: 

Tune in next time to hear from Hayley Tompkins, Branch Manager of the Crozet Library, to hear what she does, her “why,” and her latest passion projects! 

Follow JMRL’s progress through the tiers of the JMRL COVID-19 Response Plan

For branch details:



Gordon Avenue

Greene County

Louisa County

Nelson Memorial



If you have books you’d like to recommend we read and discuss please email us at

This podcast is made possible through generous support from the Friends of the Library. If you’d like to learn more or join the friends please head to their website.

S.5 Ep.1 – Meet the Abbys

In this episode, we give you a peek into the work we do in the Central Library’s Reference Department. We also talk about what we’ve been reading.

In this episode, Abby and Abby talked about reading:

Next, we’ll hear a chat about what we do, why we do, and what projects we’re excited about.

Follow JMRL’s progress through the tiers of the JMRL COVID-19 Response Plan

For branch details:

If you have books you’d like to recommend we read and discuss please email us at

This podcast is made possible through generous support from the Friends of the Library. If you’d like to learn more or join the friends please head to their website.

S.4 Ep.17- Automated and Connected Vehicles: A Glimpse at the Vehicle of the Future

In this episode, we hear a recording of a virtual event called Automated and Connected Vehicles: A Glimpse at the Vehicle of the Future. We also talk about what we’ve been reading.

In this episode, Abby and Abby talked about reading:

  • The Mountains Sing by Ngyun Phan Qué Mai , who has a new book coming out too named Dust Child (and she also mentioned Pachinko by Min Jin Lee)
  • Moxie by Jennifer Mathieu

Next, we’ll hear a recording of a virtual event called Automated and Connected Vehicles: A Glimpse at the Vehicle of the Future. What once seemed like pure science-fiction – the self-driving vehicle – is now on the brink of becoming everyday reality. In this recording, Amanda Hamm, the Connected and Automated Vehicle Program Manager with the Virginia Department of Transportation, and Marty Miller, a Research Associate in Advanced Vehicle Systems and Interfaces at the Virginia Tech Transportation Institute, talk about the vehicle technology of the future. Where is the technology at? What is the difference between automated and connected vehicles? How in theory does it work and how will this technology affect our lives? Buckle up for a trip to the future!

Follow JMRL’s progress through the tiers of the JMRL COVID-19 Response Plan

For branch details:


If you have books you’d like to recommend we read and discuss please email us at

This podcast is made possible through generous support from the Friends of the Library. If you’d like to learn more or join the friends please head to their website

S.4 Ep.16 – Managing Stress and Mental Health in a Pandemic

In this episode, we hear a recording of a virtual event called It Has Been a Tough 17 Months: Managing Stress and Mental Health in a Pandemic. We also talk about what we’ve been reading.

In this episode, Abby and Abby talked about reading:

They also talked about JMRL’s What Do I Read Next? service.

Next, we’ll hear a recording of a virtual event called It Has Been a Tough 17 Months: Managing Stress and Mental Health in a Pandemic.

Over the past 17 months, many of us saw our lives turned upside down as we navigated the uncertainties tied to COVID-19, and the many new stresses and responsibilities that followed. Even as things get “back to normal,” it is natural to still feel like you’re on an emotional roller-coaster. In this virtual presentation, Dr. Bethany Teachman, Professor of Psychology at UVA, talks about strategies to support mental health and manage anxiety, sadness, guilt and anger during this stressful time, as well as ways to seek help for yourself or loved ones

Watch the video of this event here, and find recordings of JMRL’s other virtual programs here.

Find out about upcoming virtual and in-person events here.

Follow JMRL’s progress through the tiers of the JMRL COVID-19 Response Plan

For branch details:

If you have books you’d like to recommend we read and discuss please email us at

This podcast is made possible through generous support from the Friends of the Library. If you’d like to learn more or join the friends please head to their website

S.4 Ep.15 – The History of Anti-Asian Violence in the U.S

In this episode, we hear a recording of a virtual event from last month that focused on The History of Anti-Asian Violence in the U.S. We also talk about what we’ve been reading.

In this episode, Abby and Abby talked about reading:

Next, we’ll hear a recording of a virtual event from May called The History of Anti-Asian Violence in the U.S.

The recent wave of anti-Asian hate crimes, coupled with mass shootings in Atlanta and Indianapolis that targeted a large number of Asian victims, have gained attention in the mainstream media, but the coverage also exposed widespread ignorance of the history of Asian Americans’ presence in the U.S., along with the acts of mass violence, harassment and discrimination that they faced. Professor Sylvia Chong, Director of the Asian Pacific American Studies Program at the University of Virginia, joined us to offer a brief history of anti-Asian violence in the U.S., to help us understand our current moment of crisis

Some of the resources Dr. Chong mentioned in her presentation:

Items in UVA’s catalog available through ILL

Japanese Breakfast (band)


Watch the video of this program

Videos of previous JMRL programs

Follow JMRL’s progress through the tiers of the JMRL COVID-19 Response Plan

For branch details:

COVID-19 Response and Available Online Resources

If you have books you’d like to recommend we read and discuss please email us at

This podcast is made possible through generous support from the Friends of the Library. If you’d like to learn more or join the friends please head to their website

S.4 Ep.14 – 2021 Summer Challenge Preview

In this episode, we hear a preview of this year’s Summer Challenge. We also talk about what we’ve been reading.

In this episode, Abby and Abby talked about reading:

Next, we chat with JMRL Young Adult Services Manager, Tim Carrier, about summer reading and the 2021 Summer Challenge

Tim talked about reading Concrete Rose by Angie Thomas

Follow JMRL’s progress through the tiers of the JMRL COVID-19 Response Plan

For branch details:

COVID-19 Response and Available Online Resources

If you have books you’d like to recommend we read and discuss please email us at

This podcast is made possible through generous support from the Friends of the Library. If you’d like to learn more or join the friends please head to their website.