Category Archives: Uncategorized

S.2 Ep.1 – Hiking the AT with Lauralee Bliss

Welcome back to Season Two of On The Same Page, a podcast from Jefferson-Madison Regional Library. In this episode we hear about one woman’s experience hiking the Appalachian Trail and briefly talk about books.

Erica is reading The Prodigal Tongue by Lynne Murphy (which reminded her of Eat, Shoots & Leaves by Lynne Truss and The Etymologicon by Mark Forsyth as well as this article on Appalachia)

Abby is reading Brown a collection of poems by Kevin Young. We also discussed his other works.

Lauralee Bliss has hiked the Appalachian Trail in both directions, traveling over 4000 miles. She joined us at Northside Library in August to tell about her journey and talk about her book detailing it, Mountains, Madness & Miracles. She’ll be appearing again at Louisa County Library on Saturday, October 27 at 10am.

During her talk Bliss mentioned Ed Garvey’s book Appalachian Hiker: Adventure of a Lifetime and works by and about Grandma Gatewood, like this one.

She recommends using the annual AT guides by David “Awol” Miller. And also talked about the Appalachian Trail Conservancy.

If you have books you’d like to recommend we read and discuss please email us at

This podcast is made possible through generous support from the Friends of the Library. If you’d like to learn more or join the friends please head to their website.

Ep. 23 – Twisted with Dr. Bert Ashe

On The Same Page is a podcast from the Jefferson-Madison Regional Library to keep you in the loop and on the same page about what’s happening at your library.

In this episode, we hear from author Dr. Bert Ashe and chat about what we’ve read recently.

Book chat we talked about:



University of Richmond professor Bert Ashe spoke at Northside Library on July 31 about his experience growing and wearing dreadlocks, and the book he wrote chronicling that experience, Twisted.

During his talk, Ashe or audience members also mentioned Albert Murray’s works, especially South To a Very Old Place.

The podcast will be on a brief hiatus until September 1 when we will launch Season Two! See you then.

If you have an idea for podcast guests or topics or titles you’d like to recommend we read and discuss please email us at

This podcast is made possible with generous support from the Friends of Jefferson-Madison Regional Library. Find out more about the Friends, what they do, and how to support them at the following link.

Friends of the Library

Ep. 22 – Summer Reading Reflections

On The Same Page is a podcast from the Jefferson-Madison Regional Library to keep you in the loop and on the same page about what’s happening at your library.

In this episode we hear from Nelson County Supervisor Ernie Reed and check our progress toward our reading resolutions.

For this episode of book chat we checked in our on Reading Resolutions from January, just a couple weeks over the six month point. Erica is over halfway to her (admittedly outlandish) goal of reading 200 books and has finished the Percy Jackson series by Rick Riordan like she planned. Abby wanted to read five romance novels, westerns, and historical fiction (each), and dive more deeply into the work of Octavia Butler – her progress is below. She also wanted to read more books set outside the US, and finish 175 books.

Book chat titles mentioned were:

Erica –

The Percy Jackson series by Rick Riordan

Abby –

If you need help with your reading resolutions ask us for suggestions through our What Do I Read Next? form.

It was great to talk to supervisor Ernie Reed, from Nelson County. When talking about reading when younger, he remembered reading:

Currently reading:

If you have an idea for podcast guests or topics or titles you’d like to recommend we read and discuss please email us at

This podcast is made possible with generous support from the Friends of Jefferson-Madison Regional Library. Find out more about the Friends, what they do, and how to support them at the following link.

Friends of the Library

Ep. 21 – Aging Famously with Elizabeth Meade Howard

On The Same Page is a podcast from the Jefferson-Madison Regional Library to keep you in the loop and on the same page about what’s happening at your library.

In this episode we hear from local author Elizabeth Meade Howard about her book Aging Famously and her process of interviews and writing to complete it. She visited Northside Library on June 15 to give the talk.

Book chat titles mentioned were:



The Third Fridays summer program at Northside Library featured the title Aging Famously by Elizabeth Meade Howard. Upcoming programs require no registration and will feature:

If you have an idea for podcast guests or topics or titles you’d like to recommend we read and discuss please email us at

This podcast is made possible with generous support from the Friends of Jefferson-Madison Regional Library. Find out more about the Friends, what they do, and how to support them at the following link.

Friends of the Library

Ep. 20 – Summer Learning

On The Same Page is a podcast from the Jefferson-Madison Regional Library to keep you in the loop and on the same page about what’s happening at your library.

In this episode, we hear from MIT Spokes about their Louisa STEM program and get some book recommendations from City Councilor Kathy Galvin. And as always we discuss what we’re reading.

Abby read:

  • Brazen by Pénélope Bagieu (reminded us of Little Leaders by Vashti Harrison)
  • Starfish by Akemi Dawn Bowman (A Morris Award finalist)

Erica read:

We talked to Charlottesville City Councilor Kathy Galvin about the importance of summer reading. She talked about her home library as a child the public library in Brockton, MA as well as the following books:

Currently she’s reading:

MIT Spokes, a group of university students traveling cross country on bike this summer, stopped at Louisa County Library on June 1 to present a STEM outreach event. (Follow their journey on Instagram) We had the opportunity to ask them what they were reading.

If you have an idea for podcast guests or topics or titles you’d like to recommend we read and discuss please email us at

This podcast is made possible with generous support from the Friends of Jefferson-Madison Regional Library. Find out more about the Friends, what they do, and how to support them at the following link.

Friends of the Library

Ep. 19 – Summer Reading Begins!

On The Same Page is a podcast from the Jefferson-Madison Regional Library to keep you in the loop and on the same page about what’s happening at your library.

In this episode we talk about some books recommended to us by a young reader. Thanks, Benji! You’ll get an introduction to the upcoming Summer Reading Challenge and related programs. We also had the opportunity to chat with Albemarle County Supervisor Rick Randolph about the importance of reading for leisure and his own reading journey.

Benji’s reading suggestions were:

Sarah discussed:

Albemarle County Supervisor Rick Randolph is reading:

If you have an idea for podcast guests or topics or titles you’d like to recommend we read and discuss please email us at

This podcast is made possible with generous support from the Friends of Jefferson-Madison Regional Library. Find out more about the Friends, what they do, and how to support them at the following link.

Friends of the Library

Ep. 18 – How-To Festival Recap

On The Same Page is a podcast from the Jefferson-Madison Regional Library to keep you in the loop and on the same page about what’s happening at your library.

In this episode we hear from participants from our second annual How-To Festival.

What we read:

Erica Read:

Abby Read:

Abby and Erica both read:

  • For Every One by Jason Reynolds
  • When by Daniel Pink (which our guest Lin Hill mentioned in an earlier episode)


The Radiant Leaf owner Christina read The Same Different by Hannah Sanghee Park.

Cross Stitch instructor Miranda mentioned:

Charlottesville Albemarle SPCA volunteer Brittany read Only a Promise by Mary Balogh.

If you have an idea for podcast guests or topics please email us at

This podcast is made possible with generous support from the Friends of Jefferson-Madison Regional Library. Find out more about the Friends, what they do, and how to support them at the following link.

Friends of the Library

Ep. 17 – A Visit from Nathan Englander

On The Same Page is a podcast from the Jefferson-Madison Regional Library to keep you in the loop and on the same page about what’s happening at your library.

In this episode, we finally hear the recording of JMRL Same Page author Nathan Englander, recorded in March at Northside Library.

In book chat we talked about the following –

Erica read

Abby read

  • Feed by Mira Grant (the zombie one)
  • Feed by M.T. Anderson (the computer in your brain one)

We mention Northside’s YA Book Club for Adults (featured on Episode 12).

The Nathan Englander visit was made possible in conjunction with the Virginia Festival of the Book. Special thanks to moderator Linda Kobert. Englander was here to discuss his 2012 book What We Talk About When We Talk About Anne Frank.

After listening you may want to sample Nathan Englander’s other works or read his NYT op ed about Aug. 11 & 12.
The titular story in Englander’s collection was inspired by
What We Talk About When We Talk About Love by Raymond Carver.
Englander mentions the Israeli writer
Etgar Keret as well as Philip Roth’s Portnoy’s Complaint.

If you have an idea for podcast guests or topics please email us at

This podcast (along with the Same Page community read) is made possible with generous support from the Friends of Jefferson-Madison Regional Library. Don’t forget the Friends of the Library is open even while the Gordon Avenue Library is closed for renovations. Find out more about the Friends, what they do, and how to support them at the following link.

Friends of the Library

Ep. 16 – Poetry and Nonviolent Leadership

On The Same Page is a podcast from the Jefferson-Madison Regional Library to keep you in the loop and on the same page about what’s happening at your library.

In this episode we talk about some poetry collections we are reading and hear a recording of a panel from March that took place at Northside Library to discuss leadership and nonviolent conflict resolution.

Turns out Abby was wrong and Erica was correct about Tax Day. It is April 17 this year, just in case you were curious.

Erica and Abby are both reading (even more) poetry for National Poetry Month.

Erica read

Abby read

Panelists from the Northside panel included:

The panel mentioned Equal Justice Initiative (discussed in the book Just Mercy)

This podcast is made possible with generous support from the Friends of Jefferson-Madison Regional Library. Find out more about the Friends, what they do, and how to support them at the following link.

Friends of the Library

Ep. 15 – Poetry, Renovations, and Baseball Recollections

On The Same Page is a podcast from the Jefferson-Madison Regional Library to keep you in the loop and on the same page about what’s happening at your library.

In this episode we learn more about the upcoming renovations at the Gordon Avenue Library beginning April 10 and we hear from Dr. Addison Hobbs about his life and experiences playing minor league baseball in the Negro Leagues during the 1940s-1950s.

Erica and Abby are both reading poetry for National Poetry Month.

Erica read

Abby read

Gail talked about the Gordon Avenue Library renovations beginning April 10. See this page for the latest details. Here are some of the big points to know:

  • The library will be closed, but beginning Friday, April 13 it will be staffed from 10am-noon and 3-6pm Monday through Friday and from 10am-noon on Saturday for patrons to pick up holds and return items. The drive-through bookdrop will be closed.
  • The Friends of the Library will still be open during renovations Monday-Saturday 9-4:30.
  • The Friends of the Library are not currently accepting donations due to the Spring Book Sale. They will begin accepting book donations again April 14.
  • The Gordon Avenue Library’s annual Ice Cream Social Summer Reading Kick-off will be Wednesday June 13th.

Gail read:

Dr. Addison Hobbs spoke at the Northside Library on February 20th.
His talk preceded a screening of
42: The Jackie Robinson Story.
He referenced A Complete History of the Negro Leagues, 1884-1955 by Mark Ribowski
He attended Hampton University for undergrad and Rutgers University for his PhD

This podcast (along with the Same Page community read) is made possible with generous support from the Friends of Jefferson-Madison Regional Library. Find out more about the Friends, what they do, and how to support them at the following link.

Friends of the Library