Category Archives: Uncategorized

S.4 Ep.3 – Parenting with Neuroscience: Self-Control

In this episode, we hear a recording of a program from this summer called Parenting with Neuroscience: Self-Control. We also talk about our reading.

The Abbys talked about reading:

Next we hear a recording of a virtual program held this summer. This program, Parenting with Neuroscience: Self-Control, was the final event of a four session series offered by Dr. Erin Clabough. 

Catch up with her other sessions through the following links:

  • Listen to earlier episodes with her second and third presentations. 
  • JMRL’s Youtube Account
  • Video of this event
  • Video of the first event in this series
  • Video of the second event in this series
  • Video of the third event in this series

Place a hold on Dr. Clabough’s book Second Nature

Follow JMRL’s progress through the tiers of the JMRL COVID-19 Response Plan

For branch details:

COVID-19 Response and Available Online Resources

If you have books you’d like to recommend we read and discuss please email us at

This podcast is made possible through generous support from the Friends of the Library. If you’d like to learn more or join the friends please head to their website


S.4 Ep.2 – Race and Representation in JMRL’s Collection

In this episode, we hear a recording of a virtual panel on Race and Representation in JMRL’s Collection. We also talk about what we’re reading.

Next we hear a recording of a virtual panel on Race and Representation in JMRL’s Collection, which took place in early August. This panel included:

  • Moderator Siri Russell:  Albemarle County Director of the Office of Equity and Inclusion
  • David Plunkett: JMRL Library Director
  • Angela Critics: Children’s Services Manager
  • Hayley Tompkins: Crozet Branch Manager
  • Meredith Dickens: Collection Manager

This virtual discussion explored current trends in collection development and materials selection; how JMRL endeavors to break with the traditional white perspective/narrative and broaden its collection to ensure an inclusive body of “own-voices” materials that fairly reflect the opinions and stories of marginalized communities. The discussion also examined how literature and media can perpetuate racial stereotypes and the challenges Libraries face in establishing a fluid and evolving collection of materials that meet the needs of ever-diverse communities seeking to speak on their own behalf. 

Panelists mentioned the following resources and materials throughout the event:

JMRL’s Youtube Account

Video of this panel

Follow JMRL’s progress through the tiers of the JMRL COVID-19 Response Plan

For branch details:

COVID-19 Response and Available Online Resources

If you have books you’d like to recommend we read and discuss please email us at

This podcast is made possible through generous support from the Friends of the Library. If you’d like to learn more or join the friends please head to their website


S.4 Ep. 1 – Parenting with Neuroscience: Empathy

In this episode, we hear a recording of a virtual program called Parenting with Neuroscience: Empathy, presented by Dr. Erin Clabough. We also talk about what we’re reading.

Next we hear the third in a four part series on parenting with neuroscience from UVa neuroscientist and professor Dr. Erin Clabough. This session focused on empathy. 

Resources mentioned in Dr. Clabough’s presentation:

Keep up with her other sessions through the following links:


Follow JMRL’s progress through the tiers of the JMRL COVID-19 Response Plan

For branch details:


COVID-19 Response and Available Online Resources

If you have books you’d like to recommend we read and discuss please email us at

This podcast is made possible through generous support from the Friends of the Library. If you’d like to learn more or join the friends please head to their website


S.3 Ep. 18 – Don’t Be A Victim: Fraud, Scams, and Elder Abuse

In this episode, we hear a recording of a virtual program called Don’t Become a Victim: Fraud, Scams, & Elder Abuse. We also talk about what we’re reading.

Next, we hear a recording of a virtual program held early this summer. Don’t Become a Victim: Fraud, Scams, & Elder Abuse is presented by Ron Farmer, President of the Charlottesville Albemarle Triad SALT Council, and David Malakouti, the Community Outreach Coordinator at the Office of the Attorney General. In it, they share information on current Fraud, Scams, and Elder Abuse including  an update from the Office of the Attorney General on COVID-19 targeted scams.

Watch the video from the event on YouTube

Some of the resources mentioned in the program:

Reliable links about coronavirus that they mentioned


JMRL’s Youtube Account

Follow JMRL’s progress through the tiers of the JMRL COVID-19 Response Plan

For branch details:


COVID-19 Response and Available Online Resources

If you have books you’d like to recommend we read and discuss please email us at

This podcast is made possible through generous support from the Friends of the Library. If you’d like to learn more or join the friends please head to their website


S.3 Ep.17 – Parenting with Neuroscience: Creativity

In this episode, we hear a recording of a virtual program called Parenting with Neuroscience: Creativity, presented by Dr. Erin Clabough. We also talk about what we’re reading.

Next we hear the second in a four part series on parenting with neuroscience from UVa neuroscientist and professor Dr. Erin Clabough. This session focused on creativity. Keep up with her other sessions through the following links:

  • JMRL’s Youtube Account
  • Video of this event
  • Video of Dr. Clabough’s previous parenting with Neuroscience event.
  • Register for Dr. Clabough’s July 10, 10-11am session Parenting with Neuroscience: Self-Control


Follow JMRL’s progress through the tiers of the JMRL COVID-19 Response Plan

For branch details:

COVID-19 Response and Available Online Resources

If you have books you’d like to recommend we read and discuss please email us at

This podcast is made possible through generous support from the Friends of the Library. If you’d like to learn more or join the friends please head to their website


S.3 Ep.16 – JMRL Summer Challenge 2020

In this episode, we find out about how this year’s Summer Challenge will work. We also talk about what we’re reading.

Next, we talk to Young Adult Services Manager Tim Carrier about this year’s Summer Challenge. You can access the first challenge sheet and the second challenge sheet.

Tim is reading The Agony House by Cherie Priest

JMRL has moved to Tier 4 of JMRL’s COVID-19 Response Plan. JMRL branches (with the exception of the Nelson Memorial Library due to ongoing construction) have reopened with a contactless curbside pick-up only option for library holds from Tuesdays-Saturdays between 10am and 2pm. 

For branch details:

COVID-19 Response and Available Online Resources

If you have books you’d like to recommend we read and discuss please email us at

This podcast is made possible through generous support from the Friends of the Library. If you’d like to learn more or join the friends please head to their website


S.3 Ep.15 – RECAST A Visit From The Authors of Something Happened In Our Town

On this episode we re-air a recording first shared in Season 2 Episode 12. In this recording, child psychologists Dr. Marianne Celano and Dr. Marietta Collins read and discuss their book Something Happened In Our Town: A Child’s Story about Racial Injustice. They visited the Central library on Tuesday, January 22, 2019, the National Day of Racial Healing. They offer techniques for talking about difficult racial issues with children and answered questions from the audience.

First, Katie and Abby talk about what they’ve been reading.

Next, we hear a recording from child psychologists Dr. Marianne Celano and Dr. Marietta Collins as they read and discuss their book Something Happened In Our Town: A Child’s Story about Racial Injustice


JMRL’s COVID-19 Response Plan

COVID-19 Response and Available Online Resources

If you have books you’d like to recommend we read and discuss please email us at

This podcast is made possible through generous support from the Friends of the Library. If you’d like to learn more or join the friends please head to their website

S.3 Ep.14 – Poem In Your Pocket Day

This episode is a celebration of Poem In Your Pocket Day!

In celebration of Poem in Your Pocket Day, several JMRL staff read the following poems . All of the poems are either in the public domain or were written by the reader.


JMRL’s COVID-19 Response Plan

COVID-19 Response and Available Online Resources


If you have books you’d like to recommend we read and discuss please email us at


This podcast is made possible through generous support from the Friends of the Library. If you’d like to learn more or join the friends please head to their website


S.3 Ep.13 – What We’re Reading While We’re Home Pt. 2

On this episode we talk about what we’re reading. We’ll hear once again from a variety of our colleagues, who also talk about what they’ve been reading. All of these titles exist in JMRL’s collection in at least one digital format, so they’re accessible to download or put on hold even while physical JMRL locations are closed.

JMRL’s COVID-19 Response Plan

COVID-19 Response and Available Online Resources

It’s National Poetry Month!

Poetry Contest Information and Online Submission

If you have books you’d like to recommend we read and discuss please email us at

This podcast is made possible through generous support from the Friends of the Library. If you’d like to learn more or join the friends please head to their website.

S.3 Ep.12 – What We’re Reading While We’re Home Pt. 1

On this episode we talk about what we’re reading. We’ll hear from a variety of our colleagues, who also talk about what they’ve been reading. All of these titles exist in JMRL’s collection in at least one digital format, so they’re accessible to download or put on hold even while physical JMRL locations are closed.



If you have books you’d like to recommend we read and discuss please email us at

This podcast is made possible through generous support from the Friends of the Library. If you’d like to learn more or join the friends please head to their website. Unfortunately, due to the COVID-19 outbreak, the Friends of the Library have postponed their spring sale until a not yet determined time. We will keep you updated as we find out more.